The island of Feuerinsei (Island of Fire) houses the Ignis-Heiligtum, the fabled dragon sanctuary created by the Baum family. It is a testament to their visionary approach to preserving magical creatures and their ancestral heritage. Conceived in the aftermath of the First Wizarding War, this extraordinary island was designed to protect the rare and powerful Treeblood and provide a safe haven for dragons—creatures as majestic as they are feared.
Built entirely through magic in the Northern Sea and inaugurated in 1923, Feuerinsei represents the culmination of the Baum family's ingenuity, ambition, and unwavering dedication to their legacy. From its concealed location, shrouded in secrecy and accessible only to family members, to its intricately crafted geography that caters to dragon instincts, the sanctuary is a masterpiece of magical engineering.
Right after the First War, the Baum family started looking for a new place to relocate the seed of the legendary Treeblood. Not wanting to face the same problems again, Nicolaus Baum built the island using magic in the Northern Sea. They spent around three years crafting the island and one year gathering the necessary legal authorizations and determining the proper location. The Northern Sea, rather than the Baltic, was chosen due to its access to Hamburg’s port.
Upon opening in 1923, the family members planted the Treeblood seed in its center, and the first Dragons were introduced to its new territory.
Feuerinsei is cloaked in strong protective spells, rendering it untraceable on magical and Muggle maps, as if it doesn't exist. Unauthorized visitors to the island are met with an impenetrable fog that can leave them lost, possibly indefinitely. The only individuals aware of its precise location are the members of the Baum family, enabling them to Apparate there freely.
Non-family visitors, including researchers and workers, must first travel to the Danish island of Fanø or the German village of Sylt, where designated ports provide access to the sanctuary. Visitors are heavily restricted, with entry primarily granted for business purposes and always under strict supervision. Access from the island is only possible for family members, ensuring its secrecy and security.
The island’s geography is a magical masterpiece. Artificially enhanced to accommodate the dragons' needs, its landscape features endless mountain chains with high-altitude caves, open fields, dense forests, and various ecosystems supporting diverse prey species. Natural phenomena such as forest fires and destruction caused by the dragons are common, and the staff works tirelessly to restore the damaged areas.
Crystal-clear water sources, including rivers, waterfalls, and lakes, are scattered throughout the island. The largest lake at the island’s center is renowned as the best observation point for various species of dragons.
Feuerinsei’s climate follows the Danish seasons, with cold winters and mild summers. The high-altitude mountain peaks often remain snow-capped year-round, starkly contrasting with the warmer lowlands.
The legendary tree from Baum’s Legends is planted in the center of the island in a large open field with a lake in front of it. Although it is not as big as it once was, the tree carries the same power and magical traces as its ancestor and acts as a beacon of protection for the island's species.
The island’s northernmost point houses a small village for workers and long-term staff. Critical facilities include research laboratories, a dragon nursery, and a materials processing center for deceased dragons.
Abandoned or endangered dragon eggs are brought here to hatch under careful observation. Hatchlings are released into the wild only after they reach maturity.
To ensure nothing goes to waste, materials such as scales, bones, and horns are respectfully harvested from deceased dragons to craft magical items like wands and potions.
Feuerinsei initially began with three dragon species, which remain its most prominent inhabitants. Over time, other species have naturally migrated to the island, drawn by its safety and abundance.
My tiny iglu by Ice Bear 2024 - 2025
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