This template consists of three colors and their variants, two gifs. You can change it on the #square id.
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" /> <style> #square { --mainColor: #888c03; --secondColor: #bfb47e; --thirdColor: #726f5e; --mainColor04: rgb(136, 140, 3, 0.4); --secondColor04: rgb(191, 180, 126, 0.4); --thirdColor04: rgb(114, 111, 94, 0.4); --shadowColor: rgb(114, 111, 94, 0.62); --gifImg: url(; } </style> <div id="square" class="squareBack"> <div class="squareTop"> <div class="squareImg"></div> <h1>Are ya ready kids?</h1> <h2>Aye aye captain!</h2> </div> <div class="squarePost"> <div class="squareSq"></div> POST HERE </div> <div class="squareTop squareBt"> <h5>post for: someone</h5> </div> <a href="" title="template by: Ice Bear"> <div class="squareCre"></div> </a> </div>
My tiny iglu by Ice Bear 2024 - 2025
version 1.2.0