This template consists of three colors and two images you can change on the #actFast id.
You can change the color of the category's background using the HTML style of the "a" tag. You can also change the font family, color, and box-shadow.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" /> <style> #actFast { --mainColor: #8d585c; --mainColor06: #9b3039; --mainColor08: rgb(141, 88, 92, 0.8); --backImage: url(; --capaImage: url(; --closed: #817b7b; --fontColos: #270c0e; --shadow: 0px 0px 24px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.44); } </style> <div id="actFast" class="eliteBack"> <div class="eliteImg"></div> <input type="radio" id="next" name="trackerEL" /> <label for="next" class="previousEL" title="previous"> </label> <div class="eliteBox"> <input type="radio" id="previous" name="trackerEL" /> <div class="eliteCapa"><h2>Lorenzo Ferragani</h2></div> <div class="eliteWrapRP"> <h1>Open</h1> <a href="#">Title </a> <h3>--<b>Description </b> | xx.xx.xx</h3> <h1>CLOSED</h1> <a href="#" style="background-color: var(--closed)">Title </a> <h3>--<b>Description</b> | xx.xx.xx</h3> <h1>ABANDONED</h1> <a href="#" style="background-color: var(--closed)">Title </a> <h3>--<b>Description</b> | xx.xx.xx</h3> </div> </div> <label for="previous" title="RPS" style=" filter: invert(22%) sepia(82%) saturate(1674%) hue-rotate(330deg) brightness(81%) contrast(89%); " > </label> <i>Win, because you don't know how to lose</i> <a href="" title="template by: Ice Bear" class="creditFast" > </a> </div>
<a href="#" style="background-color: var(--closed)">Title </a> <h3>--<b>Description</b> | xx.xx.xx</h3>
My tiny iglu by Ice Bear 2024 - 2025
version 1.2.0