This template consists of three colors, six images, and a gif you can change on the #mulekeBr ID.
If you use the same page more than once, change the id #mulekeBr in style and the first div of the HTML.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" /> <style> #mulekeBr { --main-color: #d96c95; --second-color: #f39bb4; --third-color: rgb(242, 161, 161, 0.5); --img1: url(; --img2: url(; --img3: url(; --img4: url(; --img5: url(; --img6: url(; --gif: url(; } </style> <div id="mulekeBr" class="back_mood"> <a href="" title="templateby:IceBear" class="credMulekeBr"> </a> <div class="gif_mood"> </div> <div class="square_mood" style="background-image:var(--img1)"></div> <div class="retangular_mood" style="background-image:var(--img2)"></div> <div class="color_mood"> </div> <div class="square_mood" style="background-image:var(--img3)"></div> <div class="square_mood"> <b>Indomitus</b> <p>untamed; untamable; fierce</p> </div> <div class="square_mood" style="background-image:var(--img4)"></div> <div class="color_mood" style="background-color:var(--second-color)"></div> <div class="retangular_mood" style="background-image:var(--img5)"></div> <div class="square_mood" style="background-image:var(--img6)"></div> </div>
My tiny iglu by Ice Bear 2024 - 2025
version 1.2.0